Covering all the particular fields of criminal law, our mission is to provide you the best possible legal defense or the protection of your rights, the required knowledge and our network of specialized associates.
In a period of economic crisis, both the State and the other public authorities are pursuing an ever more intense regulation of their relations with the citizens. This trend multiplies the actions required by the latter for every affair they have with the Public Administration.
The provisions of civil law regulate all kinds of private transactions of natural and/or juridical persons and form the basis of many other branches of private and public law.
In the technology age, the main issue is the protection of every citizen’s personal data but also the protection of any kind of right in the vast digital world. Information legislation requires specialized knowledge that we have.
Fiat justitia, et pereat mundus
AA Lawyers law firm provides specialized legal services intended in particular to credibility and effectiveness. Combining legal practice with legal theory, our primary concern is to defend the rights of our principals, individuals or companies, in order to be able to enjoy as far as possible their assets. The main areas of expertise are the criminal law, the administrative law, the tax law and the information law.
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Personal Data
The application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) changes completely the data protection landscape. The protection for the subject of the personal data is significantly widened. Consequently, the obligations of the Public Administration and individuals, who process personal data, are multiplied.